Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church
14263 Mulberry Drive, Los Gatos, CA 95032 / (408) 871-0919 /
Sundays: 9:30am Matins / 10:00am Divine Liturgy - Fr. Anthony Hernandez, Pastor
Online Giving
to Saint Basil the Great Byzantine Catholic Church
For one time or recurring donations:
- General Donations: for the various needs and ministries of the parish.
- Special Donations or Collections: for specific purposes (a list is provided).
Please click: DONATE to access our online giving page.
You may also use Online Giving for:
- Requests for the lighting of bottled 7-day candles ($10)
- Requests for the lighting of beeswax taper-candles ($1.00, which burn for about 1 1/2 hours).
They will be lit for your special prayer intentions. You may indicate the day you would like the candles to be lit, if not we will light the candle soon after we receive your request. Prayers will be offered for you and your prayer intentions during the Liturgies and other holy services offered here at Saint Basil's.
Thank you very much and God bless you!