The Theotokos: Our Perpetual Help
The holy icon of the Mother of God called "Perpetual Help" is of the Virgin of the Passion icon variety, which is in the Hodegetria (She who points the way) type. This particular icon is now housed in Rome, Italy, in the Church of St. Alphonsus. This icon has its origin in Greece, (14 or 15th Century) and due to various providential circumstances, ended up in Rome. The icon depicts the Mother of God holding Christ as a young child, and also the Archangels Michael and Gabriel who are holding emblems of Christ's Passion: the Cross, the Lance, the Sponge. Christ looks at the angel holding the Cross and the Mother of God looks at us. She desires to embrace us in our needs as she embraces Christ our divine Savior. The icon is known as "Mother of Perpetual Help" because the Mother of God has shown forth her powerful and loving assistance to so many who have venerated it. In 1865 Pius IX, Pope of Rome, entrusted this icon to the custody of the Redemptorist Fathers. The Redemptorists have popularized the icon and devotion throughout the world. It is the most well known eastern icon in the Western Church. In the Western Church the commemoration of this icon is observed on June 27.
2024: On Sunday, June 23, a copy of the holy icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help will be displayed in the church for veneration. There will also be a small Moleben and Procession with the icon after the Liturgy. A display on the history and meaning of the icon will be set up in the parish hall, and may be viewed during the lunch following the Liturgy.
Schedule for Sunday, June 23:
9:30am Canon to the holy Theotokos, the Ever-Virgin Mary
9:35am Confessions
10:00am Divine Liturgy
Following the Liturgy: Procession with the icon, and small Moleben and a display in the hall on the icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help
SEVEN-DAY LAMP: If you wish to have a seven-day candle lit for your special intentions you may do so by clicking on the following link to our parish online giving portal: The usual donation is $10.00.